You Lost Over 400kg & Raised $24,000 for Breast Cancer Research

Health Mates Fitness Centre Manager, Christina Vegners and Revesby Workers’ Club CEO, Edward Camilleri present a cheque for $24,000 to Kate Brett from the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
500 For The Fight has proven to be our most successful weight loss fundraiser in Health Mates history…
Christina, Health Mates Centre Manager, came up with the idea of a team of gym members (and those from the community who wished to take part) all donating their unwanted kilos to charity. The aim was to have each person lose their weight, whilst seeking sponsorship for every kilo they lost, from friends, family and colleagues. The aim was to drop 500 kilos as a team, and raise $8,000 in the process for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Thus, 500 For The Fight was born.
500 For The Fight came at no cost to entrants. The 17 week weight loss challenge commenced on 1 July 2013, with 120 pledging over 760 kilos to the campaign. Each participant also nominated a dollar figure they would donate for every kilo they pledged to lose, but retained.
Health Mates Fitness Centre donated in excess of $1,395 in prizes for the 3 people who were able to collect the most donations, as well as the time of their staff, to the challenge. Ed Camilleri, CEO of Revesby Workers’ Club offered to match money raised from the campaign, dollar for dollar, on behalf of the club.
500 For The Fight allowed members the chance to join a worthy cause and lose weight with the support of the Health Mates’ team. Each participant received weekly hints and tips on exercise and weight loss, and regular guidance.
During the course of 500 For The Fight, the team lost 402 kilos for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. There were some outstanding personal weight loss achievments which were revealed at the 500 For The Fight Awards Night on 29 Nov.
Congratulations to our “Biggest Loser” Rafael Posadas on his weight loss of 15.75 kilos. Not only is Rafael healthier and fitter, he looks amazing.
Congratulations are also in order for Donna Byers who lost 10.56 kilos during the 17 weeks. Well done Donna!
Emmeline Parent is also deserving of congratulations for her weight loss of 7.46 kilos.
Special mentions also go to the following for their weight loss results:
Samantha Fairburn – 9.64 kilos
Cheryl Deuchar – 9.62 kilos
Levi Murphy – 9.56 kilos
The 500 For The Fight Awards Night was combined with the annual Health Mates Christmas Party, where we announced our fundraising efforts, as well as the 3 winners of the major fundraising prizes.
We are proud to share iwth you the results of 500 For The Fight…
500 For The Fight Participants raised a total of $11,946.70 for the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Revesby Workers’ Club rounded their donation to $12,053.30 bringing our total fundraising effort to $24,000.
Our major fundraising prizes went to 3 deserving recipients.
1st Place: Donna Byers
Raised: $2,320.50
Prize: 3 month Health Mates Membership, 4 x 30 minute personal training sessions and a $100 Revesby Workers’ Gift Card (total prize valued at $595).
2nd Place: Rosa-Marie Rodwell
Raised: $877.15
Prize: 2 month Health Mates Membership, 5 x 30 minute Personal Training sessions and a $75 Revesby Workers’ Gift Card (total prize valued at $465).
3rd Place: Rafael Posadas
Raised: $809
Prize: 1 month Health Mates Membership, 5 x 30 minute Personal Training sessions and a $50 Revesby Workers’ Gift Card (total prize valued at $335).
An honourable mention also goes to the following people for their fundraising efforts:
Sharon Travis $425
Amanda Adams $370
Pam Moses $297.50
Valerie WEller $285
Bethany Schipp $255
Megan Berghan $235
Rebecca Wilkinson $224
Thank you to everyone who participated in 500 For The Fight and for all of you who sponsored our entrants during the challenge. Your hard work and dedication has paid off with fantastic weight loss results, and a massive $24,000 donation to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
If you’d like to nominate our next Member of the Month email your suggestion to
There is no guarantee that physical exercise will achieve specific outcomes. Results will vary depending on personal commitment, genetics, nutrition and lifestyle factors.