Member Of The Month – Jeanette Scully


What inspired you to join Health Mates?

I was very lucky to find a mate in February of 2017 that said “I’ll come with you”. That kick started my journey 6 months ago and I’ve been attending steadily since. Before I started I was afraid to walk anywhere due to  constantly falling over, something that had been happening to me for many years. On one occasion I literally fell over into the road in front of an oncoming bus, wasn’t able to get up and just stared at the driver who had stopped and was just staring at me. When I fell again not to long after, where complete strangers had to help me up I knew something had to change. People suggested walking around the block, but my fear of falling lead me to Health Mates, a fitted facility that bolstered my confidence.

What have you achieved so far and how has it changed your life?

Since October 2016, I have lost 40kg. Moreover, Health Mates has given me the confidence to get moving. I started at around 2-5 minutes on each piece of cardio equipment and I am now up to 30 minutes on most equipment I’m using as well as incorporating all the other available equipment. It has changed my life completely. I can fearlessly walk everywhere now, I often forget how difficult it used to be. Power walking, going up hills and stairs is a breeze. I bounce up out of my chair and I haven’t fallen since December.

What are your goals for the future?

To keep on “gyming” it! I feel I have more kilos to lose, but also to improve my health and continue to improve my mobility.

Do you have any advice to share?

If you feel like you aren’t ready to start, find that mate and come down to Health Mates and just do it! All the staff are wonderful, full of encouragement and eager to

help. The trainers and members are so nice and everyone has a purpose, it’s very motivating. It is a pleasure to be a member, I couldn’t be happier now that I’ve started.

A word from Stephanie:

I met Jeanette when she first joined and completed her initial programming and she is now a changed woman. When she began, she struggled to complete her program,

but has improved in leaps and bounds. She is now on her fourth cycle of programming and is working on more complex things that is truly beyond the scope of what she

probably ever thought she was capable of. She is an inspiration and it makes me genuinely happy when I see her down here working out because I know what a positive turn her life has taken. I couldn’t think of a more worthy recipient for member of the month. Keep on keeping on Jeanette!

Congratulations Jeanette!